Market share of fresh fruit juice in the United Kingdom (UK) 2007-2017
The Sugar Backlash The increasing number of scientific research linking sugar consumption with obesity and a number of negative health consequences has resulted in a downward trend in fruit juice consumption in the European Union. In the United Kingdom, such adverse consumers’ attitude towards sugar content in soft drinks was reflected in a survey conducted in 2016. It was found that 43 percent of responding individuals reported avoiding added sugars and 13 percent stated that they refrained from consumption of products containing sugar at all costs.
The UK Market Despite fruit juices being exempt from a sugar tax introduced in 2016 by the UK Government, the fruit juice market has continued to experience a major decrease. Total consumption decreased from over 1.1 billion liters in 2012 to approximately 900 million liters in 2017. However, seasonally adjusted figures illustrating annual household expenditure on fruit juices, vegetable juices and other soft drinks indicate an upward trend.